Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Deutsche Filme sind ausgezeichnet

I watched Pan's Labyrinth last night. That solidified two things in my mind: 1. Movie violence bothers me a million times more than movie sex, and 2. Spanish films are a million times better than German. That makes me sort of sad, because I love German, and I think listening to people speak it is a good way to learn. Recently I decided I also want to learn Spanish, (for no other reason than to watch Live Flesh without subtitles on) but I'm not going to because I'm already signed up for German, and I still think German words are way cooler than Spanish. (Any Spanish words as great as Staatsangehoerigkeit? Schlafgelegenheit?)

So, in honor of German cinema, I have assembled a list of:

Toll Deutsch Filme (Great German Movies)

Goodbye, Lenin!

Before the Fall

Beyond Silence

Europa Europa


Maenner Wie Wir


Monday, July 23, 2007

Da Best O' Les

I have big news, dear readers: This is my 100th post!

To those who scorned and doubted me, I laugh in their face. To my near-and-dear friends and admirers, I heartily accept their congratulatory handshakes. In honor of this momentous occasion I glanced over my blog and picked out my favorite posts, the ones I secretly wished could stay at the top of my browser instead of sinking lower on the page and finally landing in the archives.

I'm slightly embarrassed by my style of writing. It had so many more exclamation points a while ago. I have decided not to edit my old posts, though. That would be rewriting history so to speak, and would make me a historian instead of a blogger.

So behold! In all its glory, Da Best O' Les:

One of my very first posts. A shmushing together of many stories, such as The Taming of the Shrew, and The Simpsons. It has so, so, many spelling/punctuation errors I actually recoiled in horror when I reread it, but despite its short comings is mildly funny.

Snape is Innocent!!
I include this as proof I am and always was a Snape-supporter.

Golden Globes!! GAAA!!
This is my thoughts on all the GG best picture nominees for 2006, and one of my first movie posts. Fun fact: Did you know originally my blog wasn't ALL about movies and Harry Potter? Shocking, I know.

5 days and counting....
My prediction of who was going to win the at the 2006 Oscars. It is written a little more eloquently as it was also published in my homeschool newsletter.

Just who do I think I'm kidding?"
Me regretting not putting the Lord of the Rings movies on my Top Ten lists. Mainly funny because of comments from the wundercrump Madelyn.

Coffee would help me think
In which I summarize Charlie Kaufman's three biggest films.

Virgins get last laugh
My predictions for who was going to win at the 2006 MTV awards, of which I knew nothing.

This year I am thankful for Matt Damon...
Written in time for Thanksgiving, and shows my infatuation with The Talented Mr. Ripley. It also has a list of the movies I had seen since my last post, which was in July. It was my official first post as a schoolchild.

Spank you very much
My official favorite post o' them all! It has my entire 10+ page long Pride and Prejudice parody! A must read for viewers of the 2005 movie.

You sir, are a philistine!
In which I skewer Walter Scott's reply to a question involving nudity. I clearly state my pro-neckedness stance.

Harry Potter: My anti-drug
A recent post, but brilliant for its random Harry Pottery info nonetheless.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

DH spoilers are in Comments

SPOILERS FOR DEATHLY HALLOWS ARE IN COMMENTS FOR THIS POST. I implore you not to read them unless you've already finished the book.

I finished the book after dinner on Saturday. I read for about 20 hours straight. Then I slept for 14. (Did I mention how much I love summer?)

I know what happens. I have an almost evil feeling of power. But not to worry, I will use my powers for good, not evil. I wouldn't dream of putting spoilers on my blog without hiding them slightly.

So without further ado, hasten to either finishing Deathly Hallows or reading the comments!

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Friday, July 20, 2007

More Potter mania

It's an exciting day here at You're Just Mad Because I Shot Your Girlfriend's Dog. For the first time ever I have a guest writer. My dear old mum. She posted her thoughts on the spraying-mosquitoes-with-poison-in-Fort Collins-when-people-are-buying-Harry-Potter-books phenomenon. Take it away, Fish.

Friday night hundreds of young witches and wizards will flock to the many Harry Potter parties scheduled to begin from 9:00 p.m. until after midnight when they will take their precious copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows home.

Also from dusk until 1:00 a.m., the city of Fort Collins will spray the west side of College Avenue with insecticide to kill adult mosquitoes. On Wednesday the Coloradoan reported that "to minimize pesticide exposure, residents should stay indoors and keep doors and windows closed for 30 to 60 minutes after spraying occurs," according to city officials. That the spraying coincides with the time of the long-awaited release of the final installment of Harry Potter's long struggle against Voldemort and his Death Eaters seems appropo. If the small magicians run into a cloud of poisonous gas they may just treat it like a Dementor and conjure up a patronus in hopes the mist will fade. One can only hope that when they go inside they will eat lots of chocolate. Will this negate the long-term effects of this chemical solution that many residents are totally opposed to having used against them? We can only hope.

-Muggle mom


Harry Potter: My anti-drug

Tonight at midnight I will have in my clutches the last Harry Potter book. I plan to stay up all night reading, which shouldn't be too hard a task since I have been going to sleep at 3:00am anyway. I love summer. Speaking of Harry Potter, I still haven't posted what I thought of the movie! Purely my folly.

I saw The Order of the Phoenix the day it came out with my delightful friend Kitty. We were highly impressed by the people who dressed up even though it wasn't the midnight showing. We waited in line for about an hour, but the line never got too long. Our patience paid off, however, because there were only six or so people ahead of us.

I was geared up to mentally slash the movie's general quality, and I wasn't disappointed. My biggest qualm was with the acting. Mrs. Figg was, quite simply, terrible. In the book she was mad as hell at Mundungus Fletcher, barking at Harry to keep his wand out, and overall very galvanized by the Dementors appearance in Little Winging. In the movie she seems mildly surprised to see Harry, and talks quietly and meekly to him. I fully understand the need to make changes to the story so it will both translate better to film and be shorter, but for Pete's sake! An enthused performance doesn't take any longer than a boring one! Mrs. Figgs is such a fun character in the book, why make her utterly forgettable in the movie?

I was unimpressed with most of the acting. Luna and Bellatrix were good, though. What I liked best about the film was the writing. I thought this Michael Goldenberg character was actually very good at making changes to the story to keep it short. A lot was left out, but you can't include everything.

In general I thought the movie was so-so. It wasn't as bad as Goblet of Fire, and not as good as Prisoner of Azkaban.

And now for some HP gossip:
In my last post I said Steve Cloves was writing Deathly Hallows. I checked IMDb again today and (GASP!) the only writer listed was JK herself, not a Clove in sight. Is it just a little typo? Or is Steve gone for good?

As far as directing goes for the Deathly Hallows (no one has signed on yet) I hereby nominate Baz Luhrmann of Strictly Ballroom, Romeo+Juliet, and Moulin Rouge. He has a colorful and energetic style, and I think could do quite well with a story about magic. My only concern would be he might be a little too light for the probable carnage in Hallows. Another good idea: Bill Condon. Why? No other reason than I just like him. In fact, he's near the top of my gay-men-I-want-to-marry list. I think he could bring the showy big-screen magic of Dreamgirls, and the frank, slightly weird tone of Gods and Monsters to the final instalment of Harry's adventures.

BUT WAIT! Before I go I have to publish my predictions for the book.

1. Snape=innocent Dumbledore's not an idiot. Snape will sacrifice himself somehow and make it possible for Harry to kill Voldamorte. In the meantime he probably has the Death Eater's full trust.

2. Kreacher=big deal I read JK Rowling told filmmakers to introduce Kreacher in OOTP or else they would have trouble later.

Those are my big two, but I also think Harry could be a horcrux, and there could be a connection between Hermione and Grawp. (Thanks Maddie)

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

OOTP had better not be as bad as Three's Company

There's no doubt about it, it's the unofficial Month O' Harry Potter! Not only is the 5th movie coming out, Order of the Phoenix, THE SEVENTH BOOK IS COMING OUT!! The LAST one! There will we witness the circle of life; Voldemort will die, and Ron and Hermione will shack up.

But the pressing matter at the moment is the next movie. It comes out tomorrow and all I can say is I am jealous of those lucky saps who have midnight tickets. I am going at noon thank you very much.

So am I excited about the movie? Sort of, I'm not to partial to the other movies. Let's review the Director/Writer combos.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
D Christ Columbus Mrs. Doubtfire, Home Alone, Rent
W Steve KlovesWonder Boys, The Fabulous Baker Boys

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
D Chris Columbus
W Steve Kloves

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
D Alfonso CuaronGreat Expectations, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Children of Men
W Steve Kloves

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
D Mike NewellFour Weddings and a Funeral, Donnie Brasco, Pushing Tin
W Steve Kloves

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
D David YatesRank, Punch
W Michael GoldenbergPeter Pan, Contact

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2008)
D David Yates
W Steve Kloves

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2010)
No director yet
W Steve Kloves

*Sniff* I want Alfonso back! POA was my favorite movie! I'm skeptical about OOTP because WHO THE HECK ARE DAVID YATES AND MICHAEL GOLDENBERG? Am I the only one who hasn't heard of them? Nearly everything in their filmographies are TV shows. * Indignant scoff * I don't watch TV. I just don't like it. I guess I shouldn't get upset about the movie before I even see it, but I'm suspicious to anything related to television.

Only time will tell.

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

2nd movie report

Three months have passed since my last fascinating list of movies I've seen.

Desperately Seeking Susan
The Last Temptation of Christ
Die Hard
Les Meserables
All About My Mother
Art School Confidential
Romeo And Juliet
The World's Fastest Indian
Notes On a Scandal
An Unfinished Life
Sophie Scholl

Taxi Driver
Europa Europa
Mean Streets
The Namesake
Spiderman 3
Little Children
Broken Flowers
Children of Heaven
Raging Bull
POTC At Worlds End
Maenner Wie Wir
Dog Day Afternoon

Little Shop of Horrors
Bonnie And Clyde
Catch and Release
Freedom Writers
Charlie's Angels 2
Wild Hogs
Music and Lyrics
Kiss Me Guido
For Your Consideration
Dirty Dancing
The Science of Sleep
The First Amendment Project
The Big Lebowski
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Live Flesh
A Fish Called Wanda
