Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Golden Globes!! GAAA!!!

I watched previews for all the movies nominated for best picture!! (It's so cool I can watch previews on the computer!!)
Unfortunately, I haven't seen ANY movie that's nominated, but here's my summary of this years picks:
Pride and Prejudice: I really want to see this movie! I read Pride and Prejudice last spring, and I really liked it.
Good Night and Good Luck: I watched the trailer twice, but I didn't really understand what it was about. All I know is it's directed by Gorge Clooney.
The Producers: I have seen a different version of this! Basically, this guy figures out he can get really rich by producing a play that's really bad. I'd say more, but I don't want to spoil it! (Because NOBODY knows the plot to The Producers, after all.)
A History Of Violence: I don't really like violent movies, so I don't think I'd like this one. I don't think it looks like a BAD movie though.
Brokeback Mountain: I'll say two things. 1. It's just uncanny good luck that Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal are in the same movie, and 2. Larry McMurtry! You can never, EVER have too many writers at award shows!
Match Point: I think it's about this guy who gets married but falls in love with the girl he's having an affair with. I think there's murder involved somehow, but I'm not sure where that comes in. I might see it because it's directed by Woody Allen, I love Woody Allen!
Mrs. Henderson Presents: I know absolutely NOTHING about this movie because I didn't see a preview.
The Squid and the Whale: I thought it looked pretty good. I think it's basically about a married couple who get separated and their kids are, well, sad, but it looked like one of them was helping his dad get dates, so they're not too broken up about it. Of course, I haven't seen the movie yet, so what do I know?
The Constant Gardener: My mom and dad saw this movie, but I didn't. What I gather from the preview is these two people fall in love, and go to Africa, then one of them dies and it's really sad ect. ect. ect. It looks like a good movie, but I hate sad movies!! :-(
Walk the Line: I want to see this movie even though I'm not really sure what it's about! It has something to do with music............



At December 21, 2005 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...



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