Friday, October 14, 2005

First Post

I'm Leslie, and this is my blog.
I like The Simpsons, tap, crocheting, and Shakespeare. Which brings me to my username. In Shakespeare's play Loves Labours Lost, One of the main characters, Berowne says:
"What! I love! I sue! I seek a wife! A woman, that is like a German clock...."
He explains the metaphor, but I just thought it was a funny reference.
The rest of my username is my birthday. November 2nd. Clever, huh?


At October 15, 2005 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

Cool blog!

At October 15, 2005 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

I don't know how I come up with this stuff!! I should have a show!!


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