Sunday, July 22, 2007

DH spoilers are in Comments

SPOILERS FOR DEATHLY HALLOWS ARE IN COMMENTS FOR THIS POST. I implore you not to read them unless you've already finished the book.

I finished the book after dinner on Saturday. I read for about 20 hours straight. Then I slept for 14. (Did I mention how much I love summer?)

I know what happens. I have an almost evil feeling of power. But not to worry, I will use my powers for good, not evil. I wouldn't dream of putting spoilers on my blog without hiding them slightly.

So without further ado, hasten to either finishing Deathly Hallows or reading the comments!

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At July 22, 2007 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

OMG SNAPE IS INNOCENT! hahahahaha I knew it! I seem to remember myself two years ago designing a button that stated three simple, yet controversial words. Snape is innocent. Some people doubted me, but who's laughing now? he he he.

Alright, enough gloating. Did I mention Snape's in love? awwwwww. He was in love with Lily since they were 10! OMG how sweet! And he basically handed Harry the sword of Gryffindor when he showed him where it was with his patronus Doe. aka Lily's patronus. I basically died when I read that.

AND he was headmaster. And that's just cool.

At July 22, 2007 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

I'm not sure what I think about Dumbledores muggle-hating past. I'll believe he was power crazy, but a muggle-hater? I refused to believe it until his brother told Harry all about it.

Harry and Ginny get married! They have three kids, James, Albus Severus, and Lily.

And Ron and Hermione get married. (Big duh.) before that their first kiss is like this:
Ron: Hogworts is being attacked! We have to save the innocent house-elves!
Hermione: *jumps on him and starts eating his face*
Harry: Um... can you guys carry this on later? We're sorta gonna die here.
Ron and Hermione: *Blush* sorry Harry. On to the horcruxes!

At July 22, 2007 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

And Harry was a horcruxe! It went like this:

Snape's memory: Harry, you are a horcruxe. You must sacrifice yourself for the greater good.

Harry: Damn. Hey Voldamort, come and get me!

Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!

Dumbledore: Welcome to the inside of your head, Harry. Guess what? You're not dead! blah blah blah explain explain blah

Harry: Oh, I get it! Thanks for explaining everything Dumbledore!

Leslie Jo: I DON'T get it.

Dumbledore: That's because you haven't slept for 32 hours. Take a nap and reread this again.

Leslie Jo: *grumblegrumblestupiddumbledore*

Harry: Listen to the man, he's one smart cookie. Well, gotta go kill Voldemort! *Wakes up*

Voldemort: I killed Harry Potter! Mwahahahaha!

Harry: *jumps up* Not so fast, Tom! I'm not really dead and now I'm going to kill you!

Voldemort: WHAT? How?

Leslie Jo: Yes! how?

Harry: blah blah blah Snape innocent blah horcruxe blah blah Ron and Hermione snogged blah blah blah.

Everyone except Leslie Jo: Oh, I see. You are a wonderful orator, Harry.

Voldemort: WHAT. EVER. Avada Kedavra!

Harry: Expelliarmus!

Voldemort: *Dies*

Everybody: Yay!

At July 22, 2007 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

I just realized "Horcrux" doesn't have an E at the end. yup. I would hate anyone to get the impression I know what I'm talking about.

At July 22, 2007 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

I just thought of some Harry's generation/Snape's generation parrelels!
Severus and Lily are Ron and Hermione, and Harry is James. So basically maybe Severus and Lily were ment to be together, but because of him supporting Voldemort, it didn't happen. Ron and Hermione wouldn't have gotten together if Harry/Hermione shippers had their way. This brings me to the conclusion that Harry/Hermione shippers are essentially Voldemort, and if Harry and Hermione had hooked up they would be dead, just like James, Lily, and Severus.


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