Friday, July 20, 2007

More Potter mania

It's an exciting day here at You're Just Mad Because I Shot Your Girlfriend's Dog. For the first time ever I have a guest writer. My dear old mum. She posted her thoughts on the spraying-mosquitoes-with-poison-in-Fort Collins-when-people-are-buying-Harry-Potter-books phenomenon. Take it away, Fish.

Friday night hundreds of young witches and wizards will flock to the many Harry Potter parties scheduled to begin from 9:00 p.m. until after midnight when they will take their precious copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows home.

Also from dusk until 1:00 a.m., the city of Fort Collins will spray the west side of College Avenue with insecticide to kill adult mosquitoes. On Wednesday the Coloradoan reported that "to minimize pesticide exposure, residents should stay indoors and keep doors and windows closed for 30 to 60 minutes after spraying occurs," according to city officials. That the spraying coincides with the time of the long-awaited release of the final installment of Harry Potter's long struggle against Voldemort and his Death Eaters seems appropo. If the small magicians run into a cloud of poisonous gas they may just treat it like a Dementor and conjure up a patronus in hopes the mist will fade. One can only hope that when they go inside they will eat lots of chocolate. Will this negate the long-term effects of this chemical solution that many residents are totally opposed to having used against them? We can only hope.

-Muggle mom



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