Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Just who do I think I'm kidding?

I was just reading my list of movies I thought should have won Best Picture. They're all really good movies, with one glaring exception. Where is The Lord Of The Rings? Did I really say American Splendor was better then The Return Of The King? I did, and I still sort of do. I'm not really in love with any of the 2003 movies. The Return Of The King felt really rushed, and I'm not too keen on all the battle scenes. The Two Towers was really good, but I also really liked Adaptation. Fortunately I thought of a solution that should keep everybody happy. I'm starting a list of Top Movies Of The Decade. Impressive, no?
So far it's:

1. The Lord Of The Rings
2. Napoleon Dymanite
3. Pirates Of The Caribbean
4. Harry Potter
5. Star Wars

Let's not kid ourselves. What will you think of when you think of this decade? It's not going to be Seabiscuit, it'll be Fahrenheit 9/11, or if you're of my generation, Napoleon Dynamite. (Or you could think of the sheer awfulness of The Master Of Disguise.) If you want to talk about memorability, look at the MTV movie awards.

So, with that said, I give you my 2002 Top Ten List

1. Adaptation
2. The Two Towers
3. Spirited Away
4. Bowling for Columbine
5. About a Boy
6. Far From Heaven
7. Catch Me If You Can
8. Spiderman
9. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
10. Ice Age



At April 11, 2006 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

I beg to differ with you on the fight scenes in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. *pushes geek glasses further up nose and takes breath from inhaler before continuing* I thought that the Battle of Pelenor Fields was superior to the battle at Helms Deep. The reason being the kick ass Olephonts, catapults, Easterlings *cheer*, and, of course, Grond; the amazing flaming battering ram of doom. HOWEVER.... I do agree with you that the Two Towers was better than Return of the King. I cannot explain it because they are both equal in scrumtrelecentness. Perhaps it's that I know it's the end of the road with Return of the King and with Two Towers there is still a little innocence left what with all the parts with Merry and Pippin being adorable and such. Anyways, that's my two cents worth. =)


At April 12, 2006 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

Battles? What battles? When everyone starts fighting I start day dreaming and doodle Make Love Not War on my Berkenstocks. *Polishes granny rim glasses and lights insense*
I meant battles in a general sense, but yes, if pressed I would say Pelenor Fields was better then Helms Deep.

At April 15, 2006 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

Good. You had me scared there for a second... I mean, really, what could compare with the kick ass Olephonts, catapults, Easterlings *tries to speak Easterling* and Grond. Not to mention when they break out the Nazgul. Oh yeah, who wouldn't want to ride those voodoo-ass dragon things, I ask you?



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