Monday, April 03, 2006

Give us a kiss, love

It has become painfully clear to me that the Academy doesn't know squat about Best Pictures. (Gladiator?! Chicago!?!)
Here's who would win if I got to choose.

How could I pick anything else? It has my favorite quote, and it's about writers! Runners up would be Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Chocolat, Saving Grace, and Small Time Crooks. *sigh* It was a good year.

2001: AMELIE
I didn't see as many good movies this year, but that's not to say Amelie doesn't deserve it! I also liked Zoolander and Bridget Jones Diary. They might not be very serious, but they're damn funny! (Plus, I don't look so snobbish!)

Voice over! Screenwriting twins! Orchid dealers! How could you not love this movie? Honorary mentions to The Two Towers, Spirited Away, and About a Boy.

Why don't more movies have voice over? I can't get enough. I had a hard time choosing between this and The Station Agent, Bend it like Beckham, and Pirates of the Caribbean.

See a pattern emerging? Yes, I do like movies about writers. What's not to like about wine, golf, and horny friends? This is my current best-movie-in-the-history-of-the-universe. Of course, let's not forget Garden State, and Secret Window!

Notice complete absence of Crash or Brokeback Mountain. The votes in my brain split, and I've decided my loyalty lies with the pimps and hookers. (I think we all know what my second choices are.)

Looking at my list I establish the following: I watch too many indies. I watch too many R rated movies. I watch too many movies about writers.

I also ask the following questions: Where the hell is Paul Giamatti's Oscar? What exactly was so great about Million Dollar Baby? Has the Academy ever heard of this thing called a "comedy"?


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At April 04, 2006 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

I LOVE YOUR TITLE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! *laughs ass off*

"Cillian's Plaything"

At April 04, 2006 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

I was wondering if I should save it, but I couldn't wait! *Ha ha. "give us" ha "a kiss" ha ha, "love".*
One would think it would be boring after a while.
But apparently not. :-)

At April 05, 2006 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

Oh, btw, I have perfected the spit!!! *is proud of self*



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