Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just call me Ebert

I'm going to start writing a movie review for my homeschool newsletter, and I'm starting out with a review for Capote. I wanted to do a review for something actually IN THEATERS, but that would require seeing something like The Shaggy Dog. *shudder*
Here is my review:

Capote follows Truman Capote and Harper Lee as they research the killings of the Clutter family in Kansas. They get increasingly involved with the town and with the murderers. In the end he must decide which he values more, his book, or his friendship with Perry Smith.
Philip Seymour Hoffman delivers a frighteningly dead-on portrayal of Truman Capote. While he has the showiest performance, the rest of the cast's more understated roles ring true, and occasionally steal scenes.
Why you should see it: You want to see a smart showcase of actors, and the story behind the unraveling of a great author.
Why you shouldn't see it: You want a light feel-good movie.

Corny? Cliche? Total brilliance? I don't know.

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At March 26, 2006 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

Total brilliance. I am not even kidding. It is almost as good as Cillian Murphy!!!! *bites tounge*



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