Monday, March 06, 2006

Best Green Unitard: Ben Stiller

Last night the academy recognized writing, directing, acting, and producing, but it's time to recognize some acceptance speeches!

Best Political Speech: George Clooney all the way.
Best ACCEPTANCE speech: Three 6 Mafia! Jon Stewart is right, that's how an acceptance speech should be!
Best at Following Directions: Gavin Hood. He may have ordered the cameraman around, but he kept his speech on time to the second.
Best Loser Reaction: Dolly Parton. She seemed genuinely amused to see Three 6 Mafia win. (I would also like to point out that she didn't need flaming cars or hip hop dancers to do her song!)
Best Prop: The little bow ties on Steve Box and Nick Park's Oscars were cute, but I have to go with the penguins.
Best Audience Member: Jamie Foxx. He laughed at all the right times, too bad his joke making fun of Charlize Theron's nationality bombed. (Jamie Foxx: *curses TelePrompTer*)
Consistently Good Speeches Throughout the Awards Season: Ang Lee. Classy, funny, sweet, good job. (The "can't quit you" line is entirely overused, but if anyone should get to say it, it's Ang.)

Congratulations to all the winners for not rattling off names from a list! (And a "Thank You" to Tom Hanks)



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