Monday, July 06, 2009

yo hablo espanol

It's a very exciting time in my high school career. I'm going to community college! Of course everyone knows the best part about high school is when you don't have to go anymore. I still have to go next year of course, but it's summer and I've gotten my first taste of freedom by taking Conversational Spanish 101 at FRCC.

Me gusta. Me gusta mucho.

This is especially exciting because it means eventually I will be able to do the very thing I've wanted to for oh so long.

Watch spanish movies without subtitles. huzzah! It will only take years and years of studying, but when I'm 30 I will enjoy myself thoroughly. And I'm just now taking the first step. The next time I'm watching a little masterpiece of my buddy Pedro Almodovar, if anyone says "my name is," "how old are you," or "I would like to buy a half kilo of apples," I will so know what's going on.

We watched a movie in my german class with spoken german and german subtitles, and I was very happy because I could pretty much understand it. It was called Barefuss I think, and I actually really liked it. It was about this women who's in a mental institution and falls in love with the janitor and they have wacky adventures together. awwwww.... It reminded me of Benny and Joon. But the really significant part about this story is it was a german movie that wasn't depressing! I had previously thought this was impossible, save for Maenner Wie Wir, the gay soccer players movie. Because, most of the German movies I've seen are either about the holocaust or gay teenagers.

We have cultural growth!


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