Friday, August 03, 2007

Maddie's crazy awesome guest post

My summer includes not only watching Strictly Ballroom multiple times, and cleaning my room, but a terribly eventful and intellectually stimulating visit from my good friend Maddie. (Who sadly prefers MySpace to the delightful simplicity of blogs.)

Hello, hello, everyone! Its great to be here in [cencered] part of [anonymus] country! I must say, it is a delightful place and much more artsy than *cough cough* Ohio *cough*.
Anyways, yes, I am having a miraculous time here. Here are a few of the things we have been doing:
On Monday, when I first got here, Leslie and I watched Y Tu Mama Tambien, a movie which Leslie has gushed about previous times on this blog and over the phone with me. I have to agree with her that it was a terribly awesome movie, and my brain kind of exploded when watching it, although this might have something to do with the excess of nudity, which doesn't tend to mix well with me. [Yes, I can't believe I didn't want to look at Diego Luna's *cough* parts, but there you have it.]
Anyways, Tuesday we went *TA DA!!* SALSA DANCING!!!! It was tres awesome, but kinda difficult because the guys that we danced with were either really good and too advanced for us, or really bad and you couldn't tell what they were doing. But, happily, I danced with one guy who was really awesome, and we burned a friggin' hole in the friggin' rug, if you know what I mean.
Also at Salsa, we met at guy named Thattius. Now, if that is not the most kick-ass name you have ever heard, I don't know what is. Also, he was completely a gentlemen and the nicest person ever. I knew him for about five minutes, but what the hell, he was freaking awesome. Also, we think he was gay. *squee*
Oh! Also on Tuesday, we went into Old Town. It was pretty much the shit. I bought an Italian poster of Howl's Moving Castle!!! It was so cool, if it had been in the same room as Thattius, it would have exploded.
We also saw a museum o' history that was tres cool and had 5 iPods, Long story, not going to explain.
On Wednesday, we watched dance videos.
AND I FOUND ONE OF MY FAVOURITE HUMANS EVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!! HE IS SO AMAZING I LOVE HIM! Since [hopefully] no one knows where we are, I can give away his name: Caleb.
I freaking, freaking, freaking, love him. He is an amazing dancer, and I have no idea why he doesn't do partner dance. Broaden your specrtum, my dear! You will go far!
Aaaand then, that night, Leslie and I went West Coast Swing dancing. A good idea in theory, but rather shitty when exicuted. This is due mainly to the fact that we were the only ones there under 50. I am dead serious when I say this. There were good dancers there, and the dancing was fun, but there was this one guy there who must have been pushing 70, and thought he could do hip-hop. The sad thing is, his hip-hop consisted of "gliding" back and forth across the dance floor by shifting his feet from side to side. I danced with him several times, as there were, like, nine girls and six boys there, and so by the end of the night, I smelled like his cologne. It was a little scary, but at least I wasn't a medley of colognes like I had been the night before, so I didn't smell like that much of a whore... kind of.
Well, today is Thursday, and today we went to Leslie's friend Kate's house. Kate also had over Jessica and Megan, who I also met. They were absolutely delightful people and I had a wonderful time. It was also funny to watch them freak out over the thunderstorm that was going on outside. Apparently it doesn't rain much here at You're mad because I shot your girlfriend's dog, and a flash flood is rather an excitment.
So. Yes. Tomorrow we might be going [somewhere secret] weather permitting, and then on Saturday, we're going to a play, which should be fun, and on Sunday, I go back home.
Oh, also, on Tuesday, we watched The Shining, which is perhaps one of the scariest, and most inside-jokey movies I have watched to this date. For example: Naked bathtub decaying lady = scary. Jack Nicholson frozen thinking face = hilarious.
We were going to watch Pet Semetary tonight, but I about shit my pants trying to watch it, so, for the first time in history, I have grown a brain and stopped when I couldn't take any more scary shit! *applause for Maddie*
For the record, I think there's a lot to say about owning a brain, because after scary flashback o' some spinal disease, I about fainted. No joke. Leslie, who is reading this as I type, I almost fainted, I was so fucking freaked out. ASdihasoifhaighaosigOAISghOIASHGoiashgaS. Omg. Okay.
Also, if you happen to read Leslie's blog and notice that I haven't updated mine, its because, for some reason, it won't let me on, damn it. So yes. MySpace is currently working more than blog. Hopefully it will be up shortly... Leslie, back to you.

Amazing! I deeply admire your crazy-fast typing skills and ability to write to fluidly without rereading over and over again what you wrote.


At August 04, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, she gets that from me.
i'm kind of amazing you know lol
omg maddie
thats amazing
that entire trip sounds amazing
like waaaaay better than my trip to minnesota.
you MUST come over (or i must go over there) and we can partay.
Leslie you need to come to Iowa.
Especially if you get excited about thunderstorms lol
Plus i need to meet you.
when im not in a bathtub lol

At August 04, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was from averee.

At August 05, 2007 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

"Bill Condon=.... me plus him forever." -Leslie

There. Now you can never forget it! =)

At August 06, 2007 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

Maddie, you are so devious.

You guys should come to my birthday party. It's totally going to happen. In theroy. I actually have no plans but I'm sure it will be awesome if it does happen. No scary dead-naked-bathroom ladies are invited, but I'm sending an invite to Jack Nicholson.


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