Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Deutsche Filme sind ausgezeichnet

I watched Pan's Labyrinth last night. That solidified two things in my mind: 1. Movie violence bothers me a million times more than movie sex, and 2. Spanish films are a million times better than German. That makes me sort of sad, because I love German, and I think listening to people speak it is a good way to learn. Recently I decided I also want to learn Spanish, (for no other reason than to watch Live Flesh without subtitles on) but I'm not going to because I'm already signed up for German, and I still think German words are way cooler than Spanish. (Any Spanish words as great as Staatsangehoerigkeit? Schlafgelegenheit?)

So, in honor of German cinema, I have assembled a list of:

Toll Deutsch Filme (Great German Movies)

Goodbye, Lenin!

Before the Fall

Beyond Silence

Europa Europa


Maenner Wie Wir



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