Monday, July 23, 2007

Da Best O' Les

I have big news, dear readers: This is my 100th post!

To those who scorned and doubted me, I laugh in their face. To my near-and-dear friends and admirers, I heartily accept their congratulatory handshakes. In honor of this momentous occasion I glanced over my blog and picked out my favorite posts, the ones I secretly wished could stay at the top of my browser instead of sinking lower on the page and finally landing in the archives.

I'm slightly embarrassed by my style of writing. It had so many more exclamation points a while ago. I have decided not to edit my old posts, though. That would be rewriting history so to speak, and would make me a historian instead of a blogger.

So behold! In all its glory, Da Best O' Les:

One of my very first posts. A shmushing together of many stories, such as The Taming of the Shrew, and The Simpsons. It has so, so, many spelling/punctuation errors I actually recoiled in horror when I reread it, but despite its short comings is mildly funny.

Snape is Innocent!!
I include this as proof I am and always was a Snape-supporter.

Golden Globes!! GAAA!!
This is my thoughts on all the GG best picture nominees for 2006, and one of my first movie posts. Fun fact: Did you know originally my blog wasn't ALL about movies and Harry Potter? Shocking, I know.

5 days and counting....
My prediction of who was going to win the at the 2006 Oscars. It is written a little more eloquently as it was also published in my homeschool newsletter.

Just who do I think I'm kidding?"
Me regretting not putting the Lord of the Rings movies on my Top Ten lists. Mainly funny because of comments from the wundercrump Madelyn.

Coffee would help me think
In which I summarize Charlie Kaufman's three biggest films.

Virgins get last laugh
My predictions for who was going to win at the 2006 MTV awards, of which I knew nothing.

This year I am thankful for Matt Damon...
Written in time for Thanksgiving, and shows my infatuation with The Talented Mr. Ripley. It also has a list of the movies I had seen since my last post, which was in July. It was my official first post as a schoolchild.

Spank you very much
My official favorite post o' them all! It has my entire 10+ page long Pride and Prejudice parody! A must read for viewers of the 2005 movie.

You sir, are a philistine!
In which I skewer Walter Scott's reply to a question involving nudity. I clearly state my pro-neckedness stance.

Harry Potter: My anti-drug
A recent post, but brilliant for its random Harry Pottery info nonetheless.


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