Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Victory is mine!!!!

I saw EVERY preformance nominated for Best Actor!! WOO HOO! Last night, after a month of waiting, I finally saw Hustle and Flow. I really liked it. I thought it would be depressing, but it actually ended on a happy note. Who do I think is best? Um, er, well...... EVERYONE was really, really, good. And the funny thing was, there were a lot of other people who could have been nominated too. It was a mantastic year (Ouch. Sorry, couldn't resist.)
My favorite movie is always the last one I saw. That's probably why I'm leaning toward Terrance Howard. I saw the performances in this order: Joaquin Phoenix, David Strathairn, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Heath Ledger, Terrance Howard.
It's too hard to choose!! Everybody, great job. You all deserve little gold stars.


Um, Singapore, that's right...

I am on a roll! Here is my King Kong review:

The plot to King Kong is a simple one. A giant monkey is captured and brought back to New York where he falls off the Empire State Building. I can appreciate the twelve hours it took to adapt the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but three hours of wrestling giant bugs gets old.
I crawled out of my indie hovel for the first time in a while, and remembered how good a big-budget action/adventure movie could be. If you liked Pirates of the Caribbean, Men in Black, and the Lord of the Rings, you'll probably like King Kong. The only complaint I can think of, is it was too long. I have nothing against running from giant bugs and lizards, but after a while it ceases to move along the plot and (to me) is just boring.
Why You Should See It: You want special effects, on-foot chase scenes, and it's Peter Jackson, people!
Why You Shouldn't See It: You want snappy dialogue, and a happy ending.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Not the camera! My precioussssss!!

I just saw King Kong! It was pretty good, but I don't get how they could get King Kong all the way from Skull Island to New York, but could barely keep some giant bugs at bay.
After watching indies for a solid month, I forgot how good a $270,000,000 movie could be!
Now I have to write a review to go with Capote!

Maddie changed her template, and I think Max did too. I just had to change mine also!


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just call me Ebert

I'm going to start writing a movie review for my homeschool newsletter, and I'm starting out with a review for Capote. I wanted to do a review for something actually IN THEATERS, but that would require seeing something like The Shaggy Dog. *shudder*
Here is my review:

Capote follows Truman Capote and Harper Lee as they research the killings of the Clutter family in Kansas. They get increasingly involved with the town and with the murderers. In the end he must decide which he values more, his book, or his friendship with Perry Smith.
Philip Seymour Hoffman delivers a frighteningly dead-on portrayal of Truman Capote. While he has the showiest performance, the rest of the cast's more understated roles ring true, and occasionally steal scenes.
Why you should see it: You want to see a smart showcase of actors, and the story behind the unraveling of a great author.
Why you shouldn't see it: You want a light feel-good movie.

Corny? Cliche? Total brilliance? I don't know.

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Monday, March 20, 2006

"But why is the rum gone?"-Captain Jack Sparrow


1. The Lord of the Rings
2. Star Wars (not the new ones)
3. The Matrix
4. Pirates of the Caribbean
5. Spiderman

Do I have SUPER ORIGINAL picks, or what? I'm going to be very vague about which LOTR movie, and which Star Wars movie. (Basically any one except the three new ones.) As for The Matrix and Spiderman, I DEFINITELY do not include the sequels. *gags* The thing about action adventure movies is they ALWAYS HAVE SEQUELS. Some are good, (The Two Towers) some are better than the originals, (Harry Potter and GOF) and some suck eggs (Matrix Reloaded). Where will Pirates of the Carribean 2 fall? Only time will tell.


Saturday, March 18, 2006

The hills are alive, with the sound of music...

When you're a jet you're a jet all the way, from your first cigarette to your last dying day


1. West Side Story
2. Fiddler on the Roof
3. White Christmas
4. The Sound of Music
5. Singing in the Rain


Friday, March 17, 2006

"It's better to help people than garden gnomes" -Amelie Poulain

I've officially caught the indie bug! I ONLY want to watch independent movies! It all started right before I put Crash in the DVD player. Right then I knew I was in for something special. (Ironically, Crash doesn't make it on to my top five list, but still, it got me started!) *sigh* Good times...


1. Sideways
2. Adaptation
3. Amelie
4. Far From Heaven
5. Junebug


"What do you mean he don't eat no meat?!" -Aunt Voula

Continuing with my Top Five lists, here are my:


1. Bridget Jones Diary
2. Keeping the Faith
3. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
4. You've Got Mail
5. Say Anything

Grrrrrr!!!! I have seen too many good romantic comedies! I can think of at least ten more, but I want to keep this short,


"You're mad because I shot your girlfriends dog" -James Leer

I've been trying to make a list of my top ten favorite movies, but there are too many to choose from! So I'm just going to have a bunch of top five lists organized be genre. They are subject to change at any moment, these are just the ones I thought up off the top of my head.


1. My Cousin Vinny
2. Wonder Boys
3. The Full Monty
4. Saving Grace
5. Small Time Crooks

More to come!


Saturday, March 11, 2006

She's got a word processor and she knows how to use it!

Here are some links to Oscar recap/commentary

Annie Proulx's thoughts about the Academy Awards. I think it's safe to say she's a little bitter about the Brokeback lose. Click Here

Complete Oscar recap by Sara Brady from Premiere Magazine. Click Here

Top ten memorable Oscar moments by Micheal Slezak from Entertainment Weekly Click Here

Andrew Wallenstein is not impressed. Click Here


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's hard to keep swimmin' thru the deep

Alright, here are all the categories where I messed up.

Best Short Film, Animated: The Moon and the Son. I said Badgered. It was totally a blind guess.
Best Documentary, Short: A Note of Triumph: The Golden Age of Norman Corwin. I said God Sleeps in Rwanda, another guess.
Best Foreign Language Film: Tsotsi. But I was soooooooo close!!!
Best Score: Brokeback Mountain. I said Memoirs of a Geisha, but I should have known John Williams would split
Cinematography: Memoirs of a Geisha. I said Brokeback Mountain. What other movie was named after the scenery?
And, of course...
Best Picture: Crash. Here's some trivia for you. What was the first movie to not get an oscar after winning at the Producers Guild, Directors guild, Writers Guild, and Golden Globes? Take your time now.... think it over...... Brokeback Mountain. I think I'm justified to be surprised!
How do I feel about this upset? Umm.... not sure. Crash was a really good movie, but so was Brokeback Mountain. The only thing that I can think of that would make a difference for me, is the soundtrack. I love country. I hate new age. (Or whatever that song was.) But is it enough?

Speaking of music, I am especially proud of my "It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp" prediction. I'm glad it won, even though I liked Travelin' Thru better. First hip hop song preformed!!


Monday, March 06, 2006

Best Green Unitard: Ben Stiller

Last night the academy recognized writing, directing, acting, and producing, but it's time to recognize some acceptance speeches!

Best Political Speech: George Clooney all the way.
Best ACCEPTANCE speech: Three 6 Mafia! Jon Stewart is right, that's how an acceptance speech should be!
Best at Following Directions: Gavin Hood. He may have ordered the cameraman around, but he kept his speech on time to the second.
Best Loser Reaction: Dolly Parton. She seemed genuinely amused to see Three 6 Mafia win. (I would also like to point out that she didn't need flaming cars or hip hop dancers to do her song!)
Best Prop: The little bow ties on Steve Box and Nick Park's Oscars were cute, but I have to go with the penguins.
Best Audience Member: Jamie Foxx. He laughed at all the right times, too bad his joke making fun of Charlize Theron's nationality bombed. (Jamie Foxx: *curses TelePrompTer*)
Consistently Good Speeches Throughout the Awards Season: Ang Lee. Classy, funny, sweet, good job. (The "can't quit you" line is entirely overused, but if anyone should get to say it, it's Ang.)

Congratulations to all the winners for not rattling off names from a list! (And a "Thank You" to Tom Hanks)


Sunday, March 05, 2006

heh heh...can I take back that Paradise Now comment?

Alright, I had to get over that Crash shock. At least SOME of my guesses were right.... (Paradise Now......*facepalm*)
18 out of 24... Could have been worse... but it could have been a lot better!!
Jon Stewart was good....
Three 6 Mafia was good....
Philip Seymour Hoffman didn't bark!

I need some time to digest this new information


*Gasp. Splutter. Eye twitch.*

..........WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?


last minute back-peddle

I changed my prediction for Best Foreign-Language Film. I think it will be Paradise Now instead of Tsotsi.
OMGOMGOMG 2 1/2 more hours!


Saturday, March 04, 2006

Oscar Savvy

Yes!!!!!! I get to watch the Independent Spirt Awards!!! Our lovely neighbors get IFC, and I'm going to watch it at their house.
I have now seen 12 movies nominated for Oscars. There isn't a single category where I've seen all the movies, the closest I get is Best Picture, (Brokeback Mountain, Crash, Capote, Good Night and Good Luck) and Best Actor. (Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Heath Ledger, Joaquin Pheonix, David Strathairn. But Hustle and Flow is at the top of my Queue!) Feeling very Oscar Savvy.
One bad thing. Oscar party is a dud! People either: (1. Don't want to come (2. Are sick (3. Don't know about it. DAMN FAULTY EMAIL!


Thursday, March 02, 2006

one yahoos opinion

Alright, enough putting it off. Here are my Oscar predictions in full.

Best Picture: Brokeback Mountain
Best Director: Ang Lee
Best Actor: Philip Seymour Hoffman
Best Actress: Reese Witherspoon
Best Supporting Actor: George Clooney
Best Supporting Actress: Rachel Weisz
Original Screenplay: Crash
Adapted Screeplay: Brokeback Mountain
Best Animated Picture: Wallace and Gromit, Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Best Foreign-Language Film: Tsotsi
Art Direction: Memoirs of a Geisha
Cinematography: Brokeback Mountain
Costume Design: Memoirs of a Geisha
Documentary Feature: March of the Penguins
Documentary Short: God Sleeps in Rwanda
Film Editing: Crash
Makeup: The Chronicles of Narnia
Original Score: Memoirs of a Geisha
Original Song: "It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp"
Animated Short: One Man Band
Live-Action Short: Six Shooter
Sound Editing: King Kong
Sound Mixing: King Kong
Visual Effects: King Kong
