Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Now I just need to see The Ice Man Cometh

It snowed last night, and that set me in mind of movies set in winter. This summer I watched The Ice Storm and The Ice Harvest (in 90 degree weather, of course). I didn't like either, but they both have their merits.
The Ice Harvest is set in December, and it is a pretty silly Christmas movie. There are strip clubs, alcoholics, and people stuffed in trunks. If you're in to that sort of thing, you might like it, but don't look for anything deep.

Ice Storm is directed by Ang Lee, and reminds me of American Beauty, but it isn't as over-the-top. Which, unfortunately was my favorite part of American Beauty. Same broken marriages and sexually adventurous teenagers, but without the jokes. I thought it was just too serious. (The beginning reminded me of Wonder Boys. Toby Maguire and Katie Holms are in college together.)

And some off-topic news:
I made a college of little tiny movie posters and put it on my binder to display for my classmates. The most anyone had seen was three. (And I had forty pictures) Curse you, parents who don't allow R rated movies!!

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