Saturday, July 01, 2006

I'mm Baaaaaaaack!

I will never cease to be amazed that the internet continues to run smoothly while I'm away. Sites are updated, movies are rated, and people continue to pick one movie to put at the top of the box office, even if that movie is basically Bruce Almighty with Adam Sandler instead of Jim Carrey. Crazy.

If you were curious, we're in the middle of the SUMMER MOVIE SEASON!!
Superman Returns and The Devil Wears Prada are out! Not to mention the upcoming release of Pirates of the Caribbean 2! All of which I am very excited to see.

In the spirit of summer movies, I highly recommend watching these trailers.

Spiderman 3 It's new! It's fresh! It's not coming out for a year!

A Scanner Darkly Weird? Yes. Ugly? No. Have you ever seen an animated movie where the characters looked liked the actors who voice them?

Little Miss Sunshine Ooooooohh! I want to see this one SO BAD!

For more previews and a release date calendar click here



At July 10, 2006 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

POTC 2!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!! *happy dance*



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