Saturday, May 06, 2006

Superman Oscar bait?

Summer blockbuster season, the dry patch for Oscar nominees. (Maybe I should switch to predicting the box office. Will Mission Impossible 3 make more than War of the Worlds?) But none the less, I do have some Oscar predictions.
The Da Vinci Code could get nominations for Cinematography, Art Direction, or maybe Best Original Song.
John Williams is always a safe bet, but he was nominated twice last year, and the Academy might not look too kindly on Superman Returns.
Prairie Home Companion could draw attention, but the early release might still hurt it (maybe it should take a page out of Crash's book), not to mention people saying it's not Altman's "greatest" work.
Thank You For Smoking (Wow! Something that's OUT!) could get nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay, so long as Oscar voters don't forget about it. It might do well at the Independent Spirit Awards.
And hey, how about Wylie Stateman getting a Best Sound Editing nomination for Poseidon? He's been nominated three times before.
Ah, technical categories. You gotta love 'em.

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At May 08, 2006 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

I think Superman Returns looks stupid. But that's just me...



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