Thursday, July 13, 2006

Harry: I see thestrals....

New Harry Potter gossip! Horror director M. Night Shyamalan said he might direct a HP movie. I think he would do a good job, but I also like the idea of Terry Gilliam. Fortunately there's still two directorless movies!

On another Harry Potter note, Entertainment Weekly had an article with their guesses of who has the greatest odds of dying in the 7th book. JK Rowling said that two major characters would die. Unfourtunatly EW only talks about seven people.
Here's what I think could happen. Snape saves Harry at the last second, Voldemort, Snape, Ginny, and either Lupin or Hagrid die.

One last Oscar prediction: No Harry Potter movie will win best picture



At July 14, 2006 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

Eh... I'm not too excited about Shyamalan. Terry Gilliam would be my pick for the 6th movie and then Peter Jackson for the 7th. In fact, why doesn't Jackson help write the movies? I have a feeling they would be much more enjoyable if he did.
Also, I have to agree with everything EW said. Voldemort has to die, because good always, always triumphs over evil. Why? Now, let's think... what has Dumbledoor been battering into our heads for six books? Oh, yes, LOVE! Love! That's right...


At July 14, 2006 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

But the sixth sense is awesome! Peter Jackson would be great, but I don't think he would like making one movie instead of a whole series. *Shakes fist at sky*


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