Thursday, October 27, 2005


YAY! My birthday is in six days!! Woo hoo!
Some bad news: My little brother has a cold. Right now he is watching Frasier DVDs.
On a happier note: A while ago me and Max wrote a parody. It's pretty corny, and dumb, so if you don't like it, remember, Max wrote it! (Just kidding!)

The Epic Story Parody Thingy

Leslie And Max Books

Once upon a time there was a boy named Draco Malfoy. He was a very misunderstood boy. Nobody could figure out why he did things like study boat navigation, when he lived in the middle of Kansas.
“He couldn’t possibly want to commandeer a ship, could he?” Asked Draco’s mother, Kathrina
“Don’t be ridiculous, my bonny Kate.” Said Draco’s father, Pete.
“If you call me bonny Kate one more time I’ll hex you!”
“Please, anything but that! I’ll do all the dishes for three weeks!”
Much to his parents surprise, commandeering a ship was exactly Dracos goal. He studied night and day preparing for his epic journey. Then one day, he was finally ready. He set out on a big red dragon named Shruikan. They traveled to Caribbean, where they met a kooky gang of yellow people who drank Duff Beer, and said,
“DOE!” Draco quickly adapted to their queer speech and asked them where he could find a good ship to commandeer.
“Well, if you need a good ship to commandeer, try the hairy footed people living in hills”
“Or you could try the Muffin Man, he lives in THE HAUNTED MANSION!!!!!!!”
Draco set off for the hairy footed people living in the hills.
He knocked on their door. A short hairy footed woman opened the door, and then closed it abruptly when she saw Draco.
"Get out the mog knights! The teenagers are back!" said a voice behind the door. Draco sighed. That happened to him a lot. He knocked again, and explained that he wasn't trying to download illegal music, he just wanted to commandeer a boat. She opened the door wide and said
"Well, why didn't you say so! Come one in! We were just sitting down to a keg. We Bobbits like our ale!" Draco backed away slowly, then took off at a great speed because he saw the mog knights coming.
Next Draco went to to see the Muffin Man in the HAUNTED MANSION!!! Man, cut it out with the uppercase letters! Draco foolishly yelled at the narrator. Suddenly out of know where Draco fell in to a trap! DOE! Shouldn't have complained. The marvelous narrator graciously accepted his apology, and suddenly Draco found himself at the entrance to the HAUNTED MANSION!! sigh, Draco said.
Suddenly out of the window came a giant boat with a sponge, a seastar, and a big green ghost.
"So, ye be inquirerin' about th' boat, matey! Well, I got all ye'll right here! Come up here so I can eat ya- uh...... GREET ya!" Draco wished he had a mog knight now. Draco tried to run away, but the green ghost snatched him up quickly and put him in the kitchen. "Here ya go, matey. Rub these onions over yourself, there's a good lad." Draco was sure this was the end, but then he thought of a wacky scheme. That's just crazy enough to work! He thought. Draco cut the onions with stinky force and made everyone cry! While they blibbering, Draco put his commendeering plans in to effect, and just PUSHED THEM OFF!
Whew, I'm glad I studied that so hard, Draco thought. Then he steered the boat back to Kansas, and LAUGHED IN THEIR UGLY FACES!!
"Never saw that coming", his father said.


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Friday, October 21, 2005

Dumb Post

The bad thing about blogs is the potential to do dumb posts.

Dumb Post

The bad thing about blogs is the potential to do dumb posts.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


This is really annoying!! Why is my side menu down at the bottom of the page? I hope it will change its self and this whole post won't make sense!
oh, btw, my little brother got a blog. It's at

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


For the past few days I have been recording music from the radio. (No, not illegal downloading, it's just like recording a show from the TV.) Anyway, I can't just LISTEN to a song anymore, I have to record it!! Also, I made a discovery. kiss fm only plays 50 songs! The first and second day of recording, I recorded 40 songs, but today and yesterday I only got 10!! Granted, I didn't listen to the radio every minute of the day, but I did listen at different times, and they have been playing the same songs OVER AND OVER again. Ok, ok, every oh, say, 6th song they play a new song, but still, that's a lot of repetition!
I think I'm the only one surprised by this. The thing is, I only started listening to the radio about a week ago, so this is all very interesting and new. "Gee whiz! 50 songs! Yuppers, never saw that a comin'!"

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Website Update!

Woo Hoo! For the first time in 7 months I updated my website! Actually, my website is pretty lame. It doesn't really have a point, (Hey! kind of like a blog!) except for keeping track of Da Funky Times issues. So, if you want to read Da Funky Times, go to:
I don't mean to toot my own horn, but they're not bad!

Saturday, October 15, 2005


GAAA! I can't wait for Harry Potter 4 to come out!! It looks pretty good, except I have the sneaking suspicion that the director is a HARRY/HERMIONE SHIPPER!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! A fate worse then death!!! Doesn't everyone see that RON and HERMIONE are PERFECT for each other?
*sigh* How do I manage?


Friday, October 14, 2005

First Post

I'm Leslie, and this is my blog.
I like The Simpsons, tap, crocheting, and Shakespeare. Which brings me to my username. In Shakespeare's play Loves Labours Lost, One of the main characters, Berowne says:
"What! I love! I sue! I seek a wife! A woman, that is like a German clock...."
He explains the metaphor, but I just thought it was a funny reference.
The rest of my username is my birthday. November 2nd. Clever, huh?