Saturday, February 10, 2007

My favorite is Chocolate Cherry Garcia... except technically I think it's a frozen yogurt.

I just saw Babel. Fun stuff, people. What was it about? A bunch of bad things happen to a bunch of people in different countries in the space of a few days. I'm trying to think. Did ANYTHING good happen? Not that there has to be good things, but it makes the 2 1/2 hours more bearable. I still liked it though, it was kind of like Crash, only with less profanity and more subtitles.

Having seen four of the five films nominated for best picture, I decided I'm not too crazy about any of them. Which sad, because last year I was insanely oscar-slap-happy. I'm still having a party though, and I have a food list made up.
Sprite, KFC, and ice cream for Little Miss Sunshine
Chips and guacamole, for Babel
Tea and scones for The Queen
Rice for Letters From Iwo Jima
Cranberry juice for The Departed.


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