Monday, February 05, 2007

Hmm... Maybe there really is something to this nine step program...

Congratulations to Marty and The Departed for winning at the directors guild, jolly good for Little Miss Sunshine at the SAG and producers awards, and kudos for Babel and Dreamgirls at the golden globes, but there's one thing that bothers me. Who is going to win the OSCAR?! I guess you could say Sunshine because they have two major awards, but it still seems wide open to me.

I'm going to rule out Letters from Iwo Jima because it's too Japanese, and The Queen because it just isn't sexy enough. But Babel, Departed, and Sunshine stand a fair chance. If pressed to choose between the three, I would rule out Departed because it's too violent. Babel seems pretty classic, but why didn't it win more awards? I never thought I would say this, but Little Miss Funny-Dance-Comedy could be our winner. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I think it's good the academy isn't picking another twisted little Paul Haggis concoction.

On the subject of twisted, I saw The Departed yesterday. Wow. It made Pulp Fiction look like child's play. It took a few minutes to get used to all the language, (which usually doesn't bother me at all) before I was faced with disembodied hands and teeth being knocked out. Yup, good times. I have only one complaint: Why is Mark Wahlberg nominated for Supporting Actor?!? I hated his character! If that SOB was on my police force I would fire him so fast he wouldn't have time to comment on pubescent male genitalia. It wasn't believable at all. On the other hand, now I know all I have to do to get nominated is talk trash in a Scorsese movie. Brilliant!
Ugg. Anyway, he won't be getting my vote. (If I had one.)

Now I only have to see Babel and Letters From Iwo Jima, and I'll be set!



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