Monday, December 18, 2006

T-minus ten weeks...

Yay! Golden Globe nominations are out! AND it's the last week of first semester! My plans over break are to watch all the Lord of the Rings movies, because I haven't seen them all for two years. (Gasp! Say it isn't so!)
Since the Globe nominations are out I feel more confident in predicting Oscar nominations. Here goes:

The Departed
Letters from Iwo Jima
The Queen

I also think Little Children has a shot. Don't know why, it's just a vibe.
Little Miss Sunshine, Thank You for Smoking, and History Boys might make it if the academy is in the mood for something lighter.

I can't believe Devil Wears Prada was nominated! Yes, it had Meryl Streep who was kick-ass as usual. So what? That definitely doesn't make it a good movie. Also, even though I haven't seen it, I have a feeling Bobby isn't good either. But I'll have to watch it first. (For the record, I did see DWP this summer)

Here are the movies I really want to see:
Little Children
The Departed
Notes on a Scandal
Running With Scissors
The Last King of Scotland



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