Saturday, December 31, 2005

"Squeak", indeed!

I just read a very ANTI GOLDEN GLOBE article by Sean Smith. He said,
"the Golden Globe Awards are kind of a joke," and that "beside Witherspoon and George Clooney (who was nominated for directing “Good Night, and Good Luck” and for a supporting role in “Syriana”), there’s very little star wattage to attract casual viewers to the show."
HA! Yeah, right. Woody Allen and Russell Crowe have been in HARDLY ANYTHING.
Perhaps worst of all, he said: "Lee, actor Heath Ledger and supporting actress Michelle Williams all grabbed Globe noms and are almost certain to get Oscar noms, too. Snubbed, though, was Ledger’s costar Jake Gyllenhaal. He may still squeak into the Best Supporting Actor race for the Academy Awards, but it’s looking far less likely now."
Best SUPPORTING actor? Less likely? SQUEAK????? He's the star* of the whole movie!! How dare you say those things about my boyfriend**! I will admit he wasn't nominated for best actor, but that doesn't mean he won't be nominated for an Oscar!
Read the whole article! It's at:
Alright, enough ranting. I need to go to bed.

*Yeah, yeah, alright. COstar
**In the very loosest sense of the word, as he doesn't know I exist.


At January 01, 2006 , Blogger Mrs. Bloom-McGregor-Felton-Murphy said...

Lolz. Did you write this when we were talking on the phone?

At January 01, 2006 , Blogger Leslie Jo said...

No, I wrote it REALLY early Saturday before I went to bed. So basically two days ago.


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