Tuesday, January 31, 2006

all knowing oscar guru

HA! My Oscar guesses were right!
Best Picture nominees are:
Capote (yes, Capote, not Walk the Line or Constant Gardener. I was still close!)
Brokeback Mountain
Good Night, and Good Luck

You can get all the nominees at IMDb.com, or go to my personal favorite award site: theenvelope.latimes.com


Sunday, January 29, 2006

And the nominies are...

Well, The SAG awards are on tonight, but unfortunately, we don't get the channel it's on! (DAMN!!!)

Here are my guesses at what will be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars.
I've heard a lot of people say it's really good and it should have been nominated for more awards.
Steven Spielberg. Any questions?
Critic's Choice, Golden Globes, BFCA, DGA.... At this point it's a given.
The academy loves picking artsy stuff.
I don't know what could go here. Walk the Line? Capote? The Constant Gardener? Any one of those could get nominated.


Monday, January 16, 2006

Good times, good times

Alright, I can stop holding my breath. The Golden Globes have HAPPENED!!!!!! WOO HOO!
My favorite parts were:
When Hugh Laurie pulled random names out of his pocket.
When Emma Thompson complained about the new "young" Pride and Prejudice.
The teeny tiny bitty glint of disapproval when Mr. Conservative-Cowboy Clint Eastwood gave the Golden Globe to Ang Lee.
Good times, good times.

13 more days till the SAG awards!!


Sunday, January 15, 2006

I am SOOO on top of things

I saw another movie yesterday! Last night at 10:00 pm me and my mom saw Walk The Line. I think I saw as many movies this January, as I did all of last year. (Alright, alright. I saw more, but it feels like just a couple!) It was a good movie, and now I have seen TWO movies that are nominated for golden globes! (Walk The Line, and The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe.)
Today I found the lyrics to I Walk the Line, and I have been playing it on my guitar.
If anyone wasn't aware, Golden Globes TOMORROW!!!! *Bites nails*
Happy MLK day!


Monday, January 09, 2006


I can't believe it!!!!!!!!! I MISSED the Critics' Choice Awards on TV!!!!!!! What was I thinking? I had NO IDEA it was on tonight!!! *beats head with stapler* And if that's not bad enough, I don't have Nickel Creek tickets either!!!!!! They're sold out!!!!! entertainment......withdrawal.......fading.....fast..........
The thing is, I don't watch TV. Ever. Really. The only thing I watch is the Simpsons, and Frasier. And they don't count because I just watch the DVDs. The whole concept of having to be in front of the TV at a certain time to watch something that's probably a rerun, and is (at least) 1/3 commercials, doesn't appeal to me. I plan on watching award shows, and that's it. Unfortunately, you have to watch regular TV to know when they're on! (*sob*, can't win!) At least I know that People's Choice Awards are on tomorrow. So, I should LOOK FORWARD to tomorrow, except I also have an orthodontist appointment. *Napoleon Dynamite sigh*
Alright, one last thing. There is the most hilarious poll at IMDb.com. It's a neck-and-neck race between Jake Gyllenhaal and, yes, Rupert Grint for best supporting actor. (Jake Gyllenhaal is winning, of course.) Apparently mugglenet and other Harry Potter fan sites have links to the poll. Don't get me wrong, I love Harry Potter! But, really, Rupert Grint???

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Read Harry Potter for moral reasons

I just saw The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! It was really good, but it made me think of all the Bible parallels in, yes that's right, Harry Potter. Harry Potter and LWW both use some magic for GOOD, and they both have the whole good versus evil thing. At risk of spoiling the 6th Harry Potter book, I would also like to point out that if a certain SOMEBODY told SOMEONE ELSE to do SOMETHING that was questionable, and died as a result of that but MENT TO, they would be sacrificing themselves for the good of their followers. *coughhackhackAslancoughsplutter*
So basically, if you didn't read Harry Potter for "moral reasons" READ IT NOW!!!!!! It's too good not to read anyway!


Sunday, January 01, 2006


Happy New Year!